The Next Generation of Yoga Studio Owners w/ Nicole D’Andrea

Smart women talking about the thing that lights them up.  In Nicole’s case that is business and money.   Money is the conversation we all avoid like the plague in this industry.  The conversation usually goes: If you are pro-yoga, you are anti-money.  If you are pro-money, that isn’t yoga.  

So I am actively seeking to reframe this conversation.  We deserve to earn a sustainable income as a profession, and if we truly seek to help others–we have an obligation to not be the person who needs help ourselves.

Nicole and I talk yoga studio shop, which can apply to not just owners, but to everyone in the industry interested in trends and the health of our industry.

Key Takeaways:

-Good things happen when good people have more money. Money is just energy, and when it is the hands of people with good values like yoga folks, we can do good work with it.

-Our industry is headed back to life, and yoga and meditation are needed right now.  From a business perspective the motivator for our clients to come to us has shifted.  Folks are looking for mental and emotional health support now more than ever.

-While we are still online, our in-person experiences are back and robust as an industry.  Each business is different, and in our post-covid world there is no “one” right way to run your yoga business.  What an absolute relief, eh?

-Making sure you know what your core values are in your business is critical.  Using those core values to help make decisions about what you do helps you stay aligned with who you are as a business owner.

-Forecast your business past December 2023.  What are you doing for January 2024 and beyond?  Being prepared is the best strategy to a successful future.

-Set future you up to thrive in times of crisis.  Make a list, spreadsheet, Trello board, whatever you want to that helps you prepare for future challenges.  Do the same thing for preparing your business for future success.

-And Finally, something Nicole and I both need to work on, Don’t forget to pat yourself on the back when you achieve your goals, it is vital to training your brain to get used to success.